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About UFO Project

The Background

University FOresight Education Project (UFO Project) is a pilot, experimental, foresight and inter-disciplinary multiyear education project, initiated by the Department of Information and Technology Education, Ministry of Education under its midterm initiatives. Launched in November 2017, the UFO Project Office is committed to promoting project-based interdisciplinary teaching and learning, through which humanities scholars and social scientists are expected to explore their students’ and their own potentials for undertaking technological, economic, environmental, social and demographic challenges in the future.

Our Goals

In UFO Project, the year 2030 is considered a major landmark in cultivating interdisciplinary talents ready to tackle future issues and challenges while being able to identify opportunities for economic, environmental, and social sustainability. To achieve the main goal, UFO Project sets a series of sub-goals:
1. To create environments and mechanisms for training prospective interdisciplinary talents

2. To empower academic staff by enhancing their interdisciplinary teaching and research capacity
3. To generate interdisciplinary teaching methods, materials, plans and aids
4. To encourage international exchanges for interdisciplinary education